Monday, 10 June 2013

Last 2 Days of Iceland

Golden Circle Tour

Yesterday I went on the Golden Circle tour. I woke up and got ready at half 7 (8) and was picked up at half past. First stop was the bus station, to make sure everyone was on the right buses. I wasnt. I wasnt even going with that company! After some confusion and a few phone calls I was picked up again, and blamed the whole mishap on the previous driver.

The tour bus was small, with nine other people going on the trip. We started off and the guide introduced himself. I'm not going to name him because he was a bit shit, his tone and lack of enthusiasm would have been more suited for a bingo hall, however he did make a few jokes. ("As we pass a mountain with rocks falling down, you will see house. Would you build house there?")

Our first stop was a small nameless town, that used to be quite popular until an earthquake in 2008 split the place in half! Instead of filling in the crack they've put a big glass floor over it, so you can walk over it and look down - Exactly like the scene on demolition man.

Next we stopped at a huge crater, which was nice.

Then a small waterfall. It was quite lovely, the weather was holding out and we had some Jamaicans with the group that cracked me up. Their accent and the way they laugh is just brilliant. 

Then Gullfoss! The mightiest waterfall in the world! It's massive, and you can walk right alongside it. You can actually feel the power of the water as the spray soaks you, it was really quite amazing. The bus driver was quite witty, we got along well, he told the group that the vikings used to take slaves from Scotland. I wanted to jest about the irony of him driving me around for the day, but didn't feel comfortable at all with the slave chat in front of the Jamaicans.

Onto the Geyser Geysir, which was actually really cool. Took a little video, Im going to edit it when I get home and then post it on here. One of the geysers erupted every four minutes. 

Finally we went to the National Park. originally I thought this would be the lamest part of the trip, but the place is absolutely spectacular. The driver walked us through it, telling us of the history as we went. It was incredible. The midge's and mosquitoes really enjoyed it too, as thousands of them followed our group biting us.

Then we drove home. The tour lasted about eight hours, and I'd highly recommend it to all four of you that read my blog ("Hi mum!").

Pictures will be uploaded when I get home - the internet is chucking at the moment.

Final Day

So that brings us to today. I'll hand you over to Jerry for his final thought. The chess was amazing, I could have played better but the experience, especially beating a GM, is truly what will make me a better player. Iceland itself is a beautiful country with a bunch of lovely inhabitants. Ill end this exciting adventure with a quote from the German bible. 

"Und als sie ihn sahen, fielen sie vor ihm nieder; einige aber zweifelten."
"Become a Grandmaster, or die trying."

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Competition Day 9 (Final Round)

The Saga draws to an end

So last night was possibly the worst night yet. I was already on edge with Japanese Jenn acting too stereotypical, only to find that Beleruz Brian was to join us. I wasn't sure if Beleruz was a country or a type of meat, anyway this guy plonks himself on the far away top bunk (Far away being two feet.) and falls asleep within seconds. The snoring begins. It sounded like a kettle trying to boil after being given a ecstasy tablet, sat upon an electric double bass. He would drone on for five or ten minutes, then silence. I remember lying their thinking "Please be dead, please be dead." A big gasp of air and the droning continued.

So this morning we awake, and after speaking for a while turns out he's a really nice guy. He gave me 50 rubles as a present (Crude joke censored to appease mother) and then headed off. I headed for chess, and won my game against a 1675 junior. So I finish the tournament on 6 points out of a possible 10, 16th place.

I've booked a tour tomorrow to go round all the best bits of Iceland, so Ill post loads of photo's tomorrow. 

Friday, 7 June 2013

Competition Day 8

Another Borr-ing draw.

The day started off normally. Breakfast, preparation, Lunch, game. The game wasn't very good - the position was interesting, but I definately favoured my opponents position. He offered a draw around move 15 and I accepted, with him saying he thought i was better! (I wasn't, and the computer agree's.)

Cleaning Claire rumoured of three new Room 32'ers. I got back to find the place still empty - perhaps she lied to me. Perhaps her name isn't Claire. So I start going through the game, chilling out, and a key starts jiggling in the door. Chinese Jenn (possibly Ngyen) enters, and we greet each other. She offered me noodles, which I politely declined, then threw an apple at me. ("Eat Apple Mikey".) She said she's going to teach me some Chinese so I can wow all my friends back home in Scotland. Well, when I get home arn't you guys in for a treat!?

Competition Day 7

It's better to be Loki than good.

My 7th day here? Not sure, it's been so different and enjoyable all the days seem to have merged into one. Older Spanish man and French Finn left this morning, leaving me all on my own for the day. Cleaning Claire and her apprentice popped in to change the sheets, and told me no-one was to join me today. Prepared for a few hours, had some weeto's, then headed to the chess hall.

The game was intense. The middle game brought chances for both sides, but i started going astray around move 30 in time trouble. By move 40 I'd completely messed up the position, dropping 2 pawns and going into a lost rook and pawn endgame. I was cheesed off and decided to make him play it out - He returned the messy favour allowing me to draw it! If in doubt, play it out.

The tournament administrators have been posting a blog as well, and I noticed my name in a post the other day. "stórmeistarabanann Michael Grove" is the quote, so with a quick google translate that word in front of my name turns out to mean "Grandmaster's Banana". For some odd reason, I quite enjoy being a top chess players parthenocarpic snack.

I bought six "light" beers on the way up the road, then returned to an empty Room 32. This'll be the first night of the trip I spend alone. Properly alone. Fingers crossed for the Swedish twins.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Competition Day 6

Its getting Better, but its still not Magni-ficent.

I won the game, messed up the opening but he gave me a pawn, and it was tough for him from there. My opponent turned out to be a really nice viking called Oskar, and he gave me a lift to the shop then back to the hostel. He's also offered me some cosier clothes for going to see the glaciers, which is nice.

Our number grew to three as French Finn joined us. He's been climbing mountains on his own for five days. He asked why I here, I told him I was a lion tamer in a travelling circus. Nah I didn't but that kind of stuff is so tempting ha!

Time to prepare for the game today, its against 2006 Oliver Johannesson. Ill be happy tonight if either;

a) I win my game.

b) I lose my game but Swedish twins join room 32.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Competition Day 5

Eileen joined us at 1 am, After her flight was cancelled due to high winds. She was quite literally mad, so fitted right in. She left at 5 in the morning - That's the odd thing about hosteling, your only meeting people for a short amount of time, so you can act totally different or tell a load of lies and get away with it. Naturally, I thrive in this environment.

Ozzy Beth left early too, but wrote me a poem on my GM score sheet. I'm not sure if its pure genius or complete tripe, either way the gesture was well received. The poem's about Giraffes and Oranges, and doesn't rhyme.

My chess game was the most uncomfortable yet, around move 15 I was thinking a draw would be a good result, fortunately my opponent went a bit wrong and I managed to win it.

Felt lonely last night with only me and older Spanish guy in the room, I didn't get much sleep.

This posts a bit rubbish, here's a nice picture of the view from the 20th floor of "The Tower" (I've been trying to hold off with the pictures until its sunny.)

I'll get better photos.

When I reach the building I always stop and look up, waiting for Trinity to jump out the top window fleeing from a pursuing Agent.   

Monday, 3 June 2013

Competition Day 4

I've Thorgotten how to play chess.

  1. (Internet slang, vulgar) Fuck my life (expressing despairing annoyance).

Woke up around twelve after not being able to sleep last night, and made some breakfast. Jumped in the shower about half one, came out in my undies to find a new Room 32 lodger. Australian Beth (I guessed she was from Canada, seemed a little insulted) and I sat for the day exchanging travellers tales, jesting about how gay chess is, and arguing wether toads did or did not exist in Australia (They do). Headed off to the chess at half past 4 feeling confident and cheery. I hadn't realised that today, the gods had decided to fuck me.

Outside it was pouring rain with gale force winds. I think i swam / got blown further than i actually walked. Made it to the tournament hall and sat down to play my game. Got confused when my opponent moved one of her pieces in an "L" motion, then remembered this wasn't a Checkers tournament. I lost the game. Lost. No point, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

So after concluding that I'm shit at chess, i start the venture home. The rain is still lashing down, and the wind is... being windy, I stop at a grocery store thinking I'll buy some beer, alcohol always makes everything better. I go in to find some "Light" beer, its like 2.25%. My urine contains more alcohol than that. I ask the store assistant if they have any stronger beer, only to be told I need to buy it from a liquor store. "Okay, wheres the nearest store?" "They are all closed now, they close at 7 pm". I decided 2.25% beer was better than no beer, or urine, so I bought a 6 pack. Although I didn't, because after waiting in a wee queue, with one forming behind, the woman scanned the booze, and asked for 758 Kroner. I reached into my empty pocket. My wallet had fallen out at the Hostel when i was changing my jeans. I apologised and practically ran out the shop.

I continue down the road with the oncoming traffic looking ever more appeasing. I actually forced myself not to look left or right before crossing, hoping some crazy viking O.A.P would knock me down. Turns out they've bastardized the green cross code so that people have right of way when crossing, unless at traffic lights. 

A cigarette to calm the nerves. A gust of wind blew it from my hand into a puddle.

I was waiting for my phone to ring to tell me my parents had spontaneously combusted. Or that my cat had died. (I dont own a cat.)

I got back to the room and started going through my game. I heard a key in the front door, did a little fist pump, and turned around, only to find an older man walk in. "Oh Hi, which bed is free?". 

F. M. L.

Competition Day 3

Lost. That is all.

Only kidding, was pritty gutted after it but the Germans have managed to cheer me up. German Male (nameless for legal reasons) told me he bought 3rd teeth toothpaste - And apart from burning his mouth when using it, gave him a cracking smile.

No pictures today, ill take some tomorrow.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Tag Eins und Drei (Days one and two.)

Competition Day 1:

Woke up about 8 o'clock to a random old man storming into our room demanding the window needed a curtain. He wasnt wearing a viking hat. Fell back asleep.

Woke up around 12 o'clock. Jested with the Germans about how terrible my German is, and how I'll need to get better by the time they leave. Walked around the city for a few hours, gettting my bearings and groceries. Went to find the playing hall, found it, and played against a 1387 Junior. I'd put the game here, but i dont know how to do that yet.

Who doesn't like Smjorvi on their sandwhiches?!
Asked the friendly German's im kipping with if they liked Rammstein. "Nein."

Asked them if they liked David Hasselhoff "JA! HES A LEGEND! Even though hes about 100 years old he is still best looking man around!". Rolled over and went to sleep.

Competition Day 2:

I was paired against GM Hedinn Steingrimsson (2558). I'll get the game here once i work out how to do it. Was an awesome game, I completely messed up the opening, yet managed to flag him in a time scramble!

With each tournament, my dream of becoming Mael Goe draws nearer!
Was far too excited to play the game in the afternoon. Lost to IM Gudmundur Kjartansson in 2 moves. Once i work out how to post games... I wont post it. 

Iceland is awesome, the people are really lovely, and its got a special feel to it, kinda like Hogsmeade.